Dr. Jus Crea Giammarino, ND
First Do No Harm.  
Preferred are the least invasive diagnostic procedures, treatments and medicinal substances with minimal risk of harmful side effects.

Physicians assess risk factors, make early interventions, and promote wellness by supporting patients to create healthy lifestyles.

The Healing Power of Nature.
Naturopathic medicine recognizes and encourages the inherent, ordered, and intelligent healing process in each individual.

Treatment of the whole person.
Physicians address the complex interactions of a patient’s physical, emotional, mental, environmental, genetic, social, and spiritual aspects.

Identification and treatment of the causes of disease.
Rather than merely eliminate symptoms, physicians identify and remove underlying causes of illness.

Doctor as Teacher.
The physician educates and develops patient self-responsibility, and the therapeutic potential of the doctor-patient relationship is valued and cultivated.

Naturopathic Philosophy